By Anonymous - 24/11/2018 09:30 - United States - Henderson

Today, I decided to take a relaxing shower. My face mask made my face break out in hives. While exfoliating, my nipples became chafed. Then I slipped and cut myself while shaving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 683
You deserved it 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Warning: Relaxing can be hazardous to your health.

It's hard work being gorgeous, isn't it? Well, for some of you. I'm naturally beautiful.


It's hard work being gorgeous, isn't it? Well, for some of you. I'm naturally beautiful.

Emma Marshall 19

But other than that it's a good day 😬

Until you find out OP cut himself whilst shaving his balls. I'm going with male because the icon is male.

I’m seeing the female icon. The real FML here would be that she had balls!

Had a male icon when I wrote that comment.

Warning: Relaxing can be hazardous to your health.

Mawseed 4

didn’t i see this story before

Next time try the mask on your hand first, to check for reactions. not sure why exfoliating would chafe your nipples....

Who exfoliates their nipples, or anywhere near that area

manb91uk 22

Well... If you're the kind of person who enjoys pain, that just might have been the most relaxing bath EVAR!!

Always test skin care products and makeup on a patch of skin on your inner wrist first to check for reactions. When exfoliating, steer clear of sensitive patches of skin, ie nipples and private parts. But you know better now so I leave with wishes of lick.


Some things in life really chap my ass. I guess exfoliating would chafe my nipples.