By APRRECIATION - 24/05/2009 06:46 - Canada

Today, I got back from a service trip to Kenya, where I had no running water or electricity. I encouraged my friends to go green and help raise awareness by conserving as much electricity as possible. I return home to find that all my lights have been on for 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 456
You deserved it 64 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noshitsherlock 0

WTF you deserve it. Why didn't you check before you left?

ydi definitely. i'm sick of all this "go green" jawn, you guys are all hypocrites.


noshitsherlock 0

WTF you deserve it. Why didn't you check before you left?

Lmao , well aren't you an smart sammy

ydi definitely. i'm sick of all this "go green" jawn, you guys are all hypocrites.

Krennicus 0

I know right. We should go back to the good ole days where toxic waste dumped into rivers causes them to catch fire on a hot day. Oh wait, that still happens.

YDI for forgetting to turn the lights off when you left. And seriously, how much will you have to pay for the electric bill?

MooKee 0

hah maybe it will even out?

It's ok, we all make mistakes. Hope you had a rewarding trip to Kenya.

IllegalLight 0

it happens. just go green now ..cause that doesnt really count. FYL