By thatsnice - 09/12/2014 21:19 - United States - Warwick

Today, I confessed to my roommate of 4 years that I'm in love with her. Her response? Sticking her tongue out at me and blowing a raspberry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 095
You deserved it 4 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awkward situations lead to awkward responses! Or maybe she was too nervous to say it back!

It was a defense mechanism... It wasn't as trivial to her as she made it seem.


Awkward situations lead to awkward responses! Or maybe she was too nervous to say it back!

I don't think she feels the same way. If she had really been in love with op I think she would've been super excited and freaking out that he feels the same way and probably would've kissed him or something. Chances are she felt awkward and is trying to make light of the confession in hopes that he will get that she isn't interested and they can pretend it never happened so their friendship doesn't get ruined. If she wants to forget it ever happened op, it may be in your best interest to go along with it, unless you're prepared for your friendship to end. Sorry op.

It was a defense mechanism... It wasn't as trivial to her as she made it seem.

I think your comment subliminally influenced my comment on the following FML.

She just doesn't know how to respond. Blow one back. Break the awkwardness.

So I'm guessing you guys aren't roommates anymore?

Malahkaa 19

Beer fixes everything. Op would also become better looking too...

You might have put her on the spot, give her some time to process.

I'm sure she isn't like that on a daily basis, otherwise he would have never loved her...(unless he likes people like that, which I'm sure he doesn't).

She actually sounds like someone I'd fall for.

crazytwinsmom 25

Maybe she's just doing warm up exercises.