By Anonymous Pillock - 30/04/2014 22:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I came across a street musician. He looked extremely well-fed already, but his music was pretty good, so I gave him some spare change. As soon as I turned away, he started screaming at me for being "cheap", and chased me half a block before running out of breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 723
You deserved it 4 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you were thoughtful enough to give him something in the first place! he should have been thankful.

Good thing he was 'extremely' well fed, if he was skinnier he may have caught you.


I don't really see why the fact that he's "well fed" should come into it. If he's a good musician he is good - no matter his weight. I'm going to say YDI based on that.

yeah I would have called the cops on his ass

Busking isn't begging. It's work. Give them their due, not an insulting scrap of change. Obviously this was an overreaction, but likely one caused by one too many people thinking they'd be cleverdicks and give him their tuppence worth or some such. Yes, I've seen it done. Jerks dropping in their two pretty coins and grinning like it's so smart and no ones thought of that. Never seen a busker chase them down for it. Bet they'd get applause.

I agree that it's work, but it still does not justify being ungrateful. You can't assume that everyone who walks past has money. Occasionally I'm struggling with money problems, but would still like to show my gratitude - should I rather walk past because the 40 pence I can spare is not enough?

You are truly pathetic. I'm a musician, often performed in the street and don't ever expect someone to pay me nor act ungrateful if they leave change. This sense of entitlement attitude is sickening and this guys behavior was deplorable. He should have been arrested. I would've called the police and pressed charges for harassment. Disgusting and you applaud abuse. You are a vile human being.

They're not all assholes. While it's true they're usually neither homeless nor beggars, not everyone who sees it is required to give them money. Most know this and are grateful for the positive feedback. So from the rest of us, thank you for your contribution to your local artists.

If a street performer makes you stop... you owe them a buck! But if they chase you down the street, you take that ungrateful dollar back!

joemud 13

Don't let him discourage you from doing the right thing! Many people just walk by and ignore people in need. Thank you for doing the right thing! The world needs more people like you!

OP was nice enough to give the guy a bit of money for his street performance. Maybe the guy makes do, maybe he does this for fun aside from his job, who knows? But to scream that someone is cheap and chase them is pretty ******* rude and ungrateful. It would have served the musician right if someone had stolen his money while he was chasing down someone he thought was "cheap". What would have been funny is if the musician had worked a mild jape into the song.

don't mess with street musicians...they can play music and can also chase...when needed