By Anonymous Pillock - 30/04/2014 22:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I came across a street musician. He looked extremely well-fed already, but his music was pretty good, so I gave him some spare change. As soon as I turned away, he started screaming at me for being "cheap", and chased me half a block before running out of breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 723
You deserved it 4 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you were thoughtful enough to give him something in the first place! he should have been thankful.

Good thing he was 'extremely' well fed, if he was skinnier he may have caught you.


I hate busking, I really do. But I usually contribute if they are good...but that busker was a prick, OP. FYL :(

Some people don't appreciate the little things

This is when I run back to the open guitar case and just grab what I can and laugh my ass off at him for being a dick.

You should've called the police. What a disgusting SOB. That's why I never pay them mind or give them change. Ingrate. That's abuse and you should've demanded your money back

You should've gotten back to the money and taken yours back

what a douche. I'd knock his punk as out

And that's why we never give money to people like that!

At least the guy gave you some exercise for your change. You know going to the gym is too expensive these days.

DeviousMeat 3

I'll call bullshit on this one...