By bels12 - 05/01/2010 05:15 - Australia

Today, I bought a new Siamese Fighting Fish. I was so happy with my new fish so I bought him an expensive lovely bowl, some weeds, and a toy for the bowl. I left the room to get the fish food. When I returned, the fish was gone, and the cat was sitting on the table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 909
You deserved it 9 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissSmiley613, a lot of fish can live ten, twenty years if kept right. Right PH, right temperature, right feeding, right cleaning regime, right environment/amount of the same species/etc. The fact that you think they don't last long is evidence to your poor ownership of fish. until you learn to look after pets right, don't buy them. OP. Well. That was pretty stupid, wasn't it? YDI.


Spooksu 0

Wow. If you had a CAT.... why would u be so excited about getting a pet fish? Fish<Cat. you also should have expected this to happen. if u love fish that much, buy a new one they aren't expensive.

The cat blantanly wanted the weed!!! Tame your cat dude!!! RIP fishy!!! :'(

Okay. You don't get a fish if you have a cat. Unless you are sure it won't go for it.

OK, it's perfectly acceptable to have pet fish and a pet cat at the same time - you just have to make sure your tank is safe. We installed a heavy lid on our fishtank so that our cat couldn't get in.. He used to sit on the lid all the time and look in through the air holes, but he never got his paws on any of my fish! Just take this as a lesson learned, OP. Keep your eyes on the feline and take some security measures, and maybe your next fish will have a longer lifespan!

Hey, this exact thing happened to me before ! ;_;

Even if the cat didn't get to the betta, you should always get a tank with a lid, because they jump pretty high. I found this out the hard way when I realized my betta was missing from his bowl one day...after searching the house like an idiot, comepletely baffled, I found him under my sock :( not fun!