By bels12 - 05/01/2010 05:15 - Australia

Today, I bought a new Siamese Fighting Fish. I was so happy with my new fish so I bought him an expensive lovely bowl, some weeds, and a toy for the bowl. I left the room to get the fish food. When I returned, the fish was gone, and the cat was sitting on the table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 909
You deserved it 9 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissSmiley613, a lot of fish can live ten, twenty years if kept right. Right PH, right temperature, right feeding, right cleaning regime, right environment/amount of the same species/etc. The fact that you think they don't last long is evidence to your poor ownership of fish. until you learn to look after pets right, don't buy them. OP. Well. That was pretty stupid, wasn't it? YDI.


You simply need to find a fish that is a better fighter next time! I've heard the chuck Norris fighting fish are way better survivors! The Siamese fighting fish just didn't cut it young grasshopper! ;)

just buy a new one, betta fish are only like, 4 dollars each lol. ive had better luck with the ones from petco than the ones from nicer fish stores though, oddly enough. i have one that i got from petco years ago thats outlived many many other bettas from a tropical fish store, and its still hanging out... damn fish is like 5 years old.

My cat killed my beta fish, not by eating it, not by scooping it out of the bowl, but by taunting it with his paw. He just did that all day long, moving his paw across the water and taunting the fish, chasing him. The fish died of shock. That was after I put him in an open bowl because, in my stupitidity, I thought he needed a bigger bowl than the one he already had which was covered. Atleast I'm admitting I'm stupid though...

you are a ******* idiot why in the hell would you leave a cat any where near your fish? even if you didn't know the cat was in the room you still KNEW you had a cat why not close the door or cover the bowl? ugh the poor fish had to die because your an idiot well it would have probably died any way because I doubt you could even feed yourself

nukeboy14 0

what did you do next , kill the cat , i hope so, EVIL CAT! FACE THE DEATH PENALTY!

NegativeZ 0

How the hell is he an idiot? I have a fish and a cat and they don't kill eachother.

So you left your bowl uncovered and allowed your cat into the room? Well done - your idiocy cost an animal its life. FWIW - bettas need tropical water and a decent amount of room to live. Ignore these people that say they just need a tiny bowl, as they don't know what they are talking about. Bettas originate from heavily vegetated rice paddies and streams in Thailand, NOT muddy puddles. The muddly puddles thing is a myth, perpetrated by people who want to justify their awful animal husbandry. Would you keep a kitten in a shoe box? A horse in a garden? A child in your bathroom? Do the species a favour and get a 3-5 gallon tank, filter and heater if you replace the poor fish, and please do some research on betta keeping and fishless tank cycling. They need more than a "weed" and a toy. Always remember - fish need stimulation, a safe environment, adequate space, a decent diet and freedom from disease and toxins just as much as other pets. If you don't know what ammonia is and how it affects aquatic life, don't get fish.

I have 3 cats and a cats drink from my fish's bowl and they've never eaten it, EVER. I've also had countless fish and my cats never ate any of them, and they've always had open fish bowls. Tell me this, have you EVER seen a cat eat a live fish? Cartoons don't count. Seems to me like OP had a ninja fish.

ya a Siamese FIGHTING fish..... huh weird

shit happens learnt ur lesson. next time get a lid chinease fighting fish r rlly cheap just get a new one