Don't knock until you try it

By Anonymous - 29/01/2022 05:01

Today, my boyfriend asked me to use a sex toy on him. Am I in the wrong relationship? FML
I agree, your life sucks 367
You deserved it 2 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's 2022. Any adult can use a sex toy, of any type, on themselves or others, with consent, in or out of a relationship. If you're not into that, it's fine. If you're so upset by him asking that you have serious doubts about him or yourself, then yeah, you might be in the wrong relationship.

slkeithh 14

If you're asking yourself that, then yes. You are.


slkeithh 14

If you're asking yourself that, then yes. You are.

Some women like to be the dominate in the bed room, you just have to decide if that's your thing.

It's 2022. Any adult can use a sex toy, of any type, on themselves or others, with consent, in or out of a relationship. If you're not into that, it's fine. If you're so upset by him asking that you have serious doubts about him or yourself, then yeah, you might be in the wrong relationship.

If you really can't handle the concept that consenting adults of any gender can use sex toys and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sexuality or specific attraction to their partner, then yeah, I suppose you're in an incompatible relationship and you're doing your boyfriend and yourself a disservice by staying in it. Better for both of you to seek a partner whose views are more in-line with your own respective ones if there is no chance of converging those views.

You have to define what is right or wrong in your relationship.

Depends it you're comfortable or not. Nothing wrong either way. Friends last boyfriend wanted to be pegged and she didn't see that as a deal breaker, though personally I would have never expected a girl to be down for that.

Lucky O'Guin 18

If you're that homophobic/ignorant/repressed, yes, YDI.

Toys are an addition to the bedroom, not a competition. If you are vanilla, there's nothing wrong with that, but you won't be compatible with a partner who enjoys a more spicy sex life. That said, you might enjoy some toys. There's an insane array to choose from that bring sensations that a human simply cannot.

If you have to ask if you're in the wrong relationship over him asking for you to use toys on him intimately, then yes, you are most definitely in the wrong relationship.