By SenescentSouthernBoy - 17/08/2009 08:42 - United States

Today, I borrowed a roommate's car to get groceries. I came out to find the car stolen. I called the cops, and the responding officer took the info and drove me home to give the roomie the bad news in person. 15 minutes later, they found the car. I'd parked it on the opposite side of the lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 479
You deserved it 60 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Bannister19 0

WTF is that suppose to mean? ur sexist

BrownEyedNinja 0

Obviously you can't read beacuse it says the OP is male.

uhwhiteguy 0

it looks like they have a north dakota education for being this stupid

#43, it's supposed to mean they were probably too embarrassed to admit that they are actually that stupid of a ******* bitch. I don't understand why bitches feel the need to post ridiculous shit like this, do you actually think it's entertaining? We never should have given you bitches the right to vote.

The OP is a man you ******* retard, and it's not a stretch of the imagination to think of a man stupid enough to do this

tangerine_12 0

sexist much? what an asshole. im so glad i dont know anyone like you. and if you think all girls are bitches, then you must be a virgin. still.

rayrayy_fml 0

"We"? Honey, no one would ever put you in charge of any decision making- You don't even have basic reading skills. It quite clearly says "male". But it's wicked cute that you think that 2 1/2" dangly thing between your legs makes you special, smart and powerful. AWUH. :]

You'll never get laid with that attitude *shakes head* You'll grow out of thinking men are better and all girls are just bitches someday. Until then, have fun being stupid and single :] oh and while you wait, learn to read. I know others have told you this but the OP is a guy.

#50- I'm 4" flaccid. Watch your damn mouth.

ILoveJace01 0

Just to make it even more clear, you're a douchebag. Not only that, but a stupid douchebag, because it's no fun being just one! It says "male", you idiot. Put that brain to use, and learn how to read.

fmlfmlfml15 0

looks like he made a new account too =P

uhwhiteguy 0

It was obviously a female that posted herself as a male so it doesnt make it look bad on u people. Lmao

I actually did not know there were people in this world THAT ditzy I meen dang, my 'blonde' girl m8 wud be able to know whereabouts she parked her car, and shes ditzy!

Wow... I mean I've forgotten where I've parked, or which car I drove, but I've NEVER called the police and reported it stolen.

Bannister19 0
ILoveJace01 0

And that's why you're a close-minded moron. Congrats!

Bannister19 0

Who ever said close-mindedness was bad?

3 cars in the entire State of ND and managed to screw this up? Can you find anything else stupid to do. Butt wipe.

lol this happend to me before,except it was a bike lol

Nawhhh 0

I did this when I went to the mall, but the car was to the right of me.