By SenescentSouthernBoy - 17/08/2009 08:42 - United States

Today, I borrowed a roommate's car to get groceries. I came out to find the car stolen. I called the cops, and the responding officer took the info and drove me home to give the roomie the bad news in person. 15 minutes later, they found the car. I'd parked it on the opposite side of the lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 479
You deserved it 60 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments


i cant believe they post stupid shit like this. i guess i have to be a total moron to get my FMLs posted cuz they never post mine but they post this garbage all the time


nice job taking an old FML and sending it in again. GUYS ITS A REPEAT!!!!!!¡shift1!one¡!!!!!1

fmlfmlfml15 0

I rephrased the FML: "Today, I made a stupid mistake and decided to post in on so everyone could see how stupid I am. FML"

LOL SIX, that seems to be the case, doesn't it? Though, I've sent in maybe two or three moronic FMLs myself and they didn't get posted. Luck of the draw, I guess.

yaintime21 0

wowwwwwwwww retard 40- go f yourself. it clearly says "male".

selenes 0

YDI for being such an idiot.

If we were out in the wild you and the idiot who forgot to unlock his washing machine would have been eaten by now. Sadly no natural selection for you =P

Idiots like you need to stay the **** in the house.

notapplicable123 0

ydi. Try remembering where you park /eyeroll

emilyfaith93 0

why did it take the cops 15 minutes to find it? it was only across the parking lot.