By SenescentSouthernBoy - 17/08/2009 08:42 - United States

Today, I borrowed a roommate's car to get groceries. I came out to find the car stolen. I called the cops, and the responding officer took the info and drove me home to give the roomie the bad news in person. 15 minutes later, they found the car. I'd parked it on the opposite side of the lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 479
You deserved it 60 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lxNDirishxl 0

thats wat the car alarm is for

How dense are you? Next time, pay attention to where you park first.

Ksoccerplayer 0

Definitely a guy; check the name, dumbasses. If it was a woman, she'd probably forget to click male AND add "boy" to the name. Memory is obviously not his/her strong suit. However, the OP gets enough bonus points for the use of the word sensecent to make up for the stupidity of calling the cops. Congrats-- you come out even today.

To all those who made comments to the effect that I cannot read, need to check their own reading. I didn't say anything about it being a mistake, I said she was too embarrassed to admit that she is in fact female. And as for being a virgin/single? I am married. Good job further proving how stupid you bitches can really be.

fmlfmlfml15 0

1. so because the OP made a stupid mistake, it obviously means he's a female????? 2. Either you are lying about being married so people would assume that you are a virgin/single, or your wife is an ignorant weakling who you verbally abuse on a daily basis, because she does not see what arrogant sexist bastard you really are. And i hope, if you are really married, that she finally gets some sense and leaves you

and people wonder why I never let others use my car..

dinosaurrrr 0

Haha wow that just made my day. YDI

dustin1694 0

hey this happens people lose their cars in the walmart parking lot but atleast they look for their cars

How did you find the car stolen? That's like waking up dead, or turning up missing.