Not so ready to rumble

By Anonymous - 08/10/2019 14:00

Today, my pro wrestling training class had come to a close and I was gathering my things outside of the ring. One of my fellow trainees got out of the ring on the side where there was nothing but giant stage lights. He knocked them over onto me, giving me my first pro wrestling injury. I’d always thought that would happen in the ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 318
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got a real injury from real lights, so that doesn't really count as a pro wrestling injury. You'll still get fake injuries from your fake-ass spectacle.

7and7is 20

He’s hardcore! He’s hardcore! He’s hardcore!


You got a real injury from real lights, so that doesn't really count as a pro wrestling injury. You'll still get fake injuries from your fake-ass spectacle.

7and7is 20

He’s hardcore! He’s hardcore! He’s hardcore!