By -insert clever nickname here- - 29/04/2012 23:56 - United States - Seattle

Today, I asked the girl I'm madly in love with out to dinner. When she asked me if I would pay, I jokingly said, "Well, that depends on how the date goes." She looked me up and down and said, "No thanks then." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 514
You deserved it 15 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess she can't take a joke. Must not be the one. Sorry OP :(

At least the money you would have spent on the dinner can go towards a girl with a sense of humor !


amberxxoo 6

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Maybe you know the wrong kinds of guys.

chasemoehlman 1

15- you're starting to sound like the bitch OP's talking about.

If "is he going to pay" is all you can think of when being asked out, then who's cheap? Or you just don't like him enough I guess. Although I would always pay for my date, I would be instantly put off if all she could say was "are you going to pay"? You'd think someone would be happy to be asked out. When you're not interested enough, just say no. Don't play with people's emotions just for free food

What a bitch, she's not worth it anyways. If a girls gonna get that pissed because you make a joke about not paying. You don't wanna see her when she's your girlfriend

Michael_92 20

I thought her attitude was just uncalled for. Looks him up and down as if she could judge him right then and there. Some people and the thinking process they have...

Michael_92 20

It's amazing how fast they moderate a comment. This was up for maybe a minute before it was gone.

amberxxoo 6

If more guys actually paid for dates they ask girls on then she wouldn't have even thought to ask. Not her fault.

Why does it matter who pays? It's a rude thing to ask.

chasemoehlman 1

-15 You're starting to sound like that bitch OP's talking about.

imboredareyou 1

There is always that one person who has to blame OP for everything. Bitches be bitches, I guess.

She should have taken the compliment that he even asked her instead she sounds like all she care about was a free dinner. If she was worth it she would have brought extra cash on the date just in case, but I have yet to have a guy ask me on a date when they can't afford to pay that's just stupid.

OhDearBetrayal 25

Oh yes, coming to the conclusion that she has a poor level of literacy from what OP said is quite appropriate!

54, can't tell if you're being sarcastic or just completely missed the point...

OhDearBetrayal 25

60- Sarcastic, but it seems some people are not fluent enough in it.

MyLoveDrunk 11

60- Can't tell if sarcastically challenged or just stupid.

girls dont like boys girls like cars and moneeeeeeey!

Good Charlotte is actually playing right now while I read this

dcg1375 7

Saying "Well, it depends on how the date goes" implies that you will pay if she does certain things you want her having sex. Most women are turned off by ultimatums. Especially one that implies that on THE FIRST DATE. Humor is good, but humor like that should wait until you've gotten to know that person.

Nonsense. Perfectly acceptable joke the way OP tells it. Now we don't know how he delivered it in person so there may have been some wrong signals there but the joke itself is fine.

it may not necessarily mean may mean how they act towards one another, i.e if one or the other are both pleasant and not bitches

dcg1375 7

Yes 127, that's what it could mean. I agree. I'm saying that maybe OP didn't deliver the joke as well as he thought he did. And judging by her reaction that is probably the case. I've known many people to say they were joking about something yet neither their tone nor actions showed that. Just because somebody says they jokingly said or thinks they were obviously joking doesn't mean everyone else can see that. Then again, maybe she's a bitch and doesn't understand humor.

We all know that there are men out there who expect women to sleep with them because they paid for something and chances are, OP kinda meant what he said. Completely understand her reaction.

They can't exactly sleep with each other before they've paid..

But she also Inferred she wouldn't go on a date with him unless he paid. Selfish bitch like that will just end up as a gold digger

I took it to mean "If we get along well together" rather than "If you sleep with me." After all, doesn't the sleeping together usually come AFTER paying for dinner?

bettyboop428 24

That is exactly how I thought of it, but I guess that is the whole (un)common sense thing coming into play.