By Karma - 21/04/2015 16:45 - United Kingdom - Newport

Today, whilst in the last week of my notice period, I was instructed by my boss to tell six new employees that their jobs had fallen through before they'd even started. Later that afternoon, I received a call from my line manager. Guess whose own job has fallen through too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 240
You deserved it 2 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

I'm sorry OP : Hopefully you can find something better relatively quickly, that's really shitty.

Don't tell yourself that you've been fired.


incoherentrmblr 21

I thought it was illegal to fire someone in their two week notice period if they do nothing wrong?...

lexiieeex3 32

I'm sorry OP : Hopefully you can find something better relatively quickly, that's really shitty.

What a coward, really! and a jerk too! Sorry OP!

Try and keep your chin up, OP. Hope you find a new job soon. =)

saffy66 34

That's just a low act, I hope you find a better job very soon.

That's just horrible. I hope you find someplace better OP :)

sorry to hear that OP !! hope you find a better job soon

You deserve some good luck OP. Hope a job turns up soon.

nityasomaiya 46

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That employer has no class and even less employees! Not the company you should be working for. Everyone who got laid off including yourself received a "huge gift" and you will realize that when you move into a company that respects and values its's employees