By -insert clever nickname here- - 29/04/2012 23:56 - United States - Seattle

Today, I asked the girl I'm madly in love with out to dinner. When she asked me if I would pay, I jokingly said, "Well, that depends on how the date goes." She looked me up and down and said, "No thanks then." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 514
You deserved it 15 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess she can't take a joke. Must not be the one. Sorry OP :(

At least the money you would have spent on the dinner can go towards a girl with a sense of humor !


Ammi 7

Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. Don't feel bad. She's high maintenance.

poohappens26 0

Jerk I woulda laughed in your face! You don't make jokes like that til she gets to know your sense of humor but if she walked away you must be fugly

Either she has no sense of humor or she's too smart... If she gave you an up and down before saying no thanks maybe she was just throwing the joke back at you and you missed it? >_>

MillerBeerTime 5

That's all girls are after: money

As a woman, I can tell you that some guys really will only pay if the date ends a certain way *cough cough* so she might have misread your joke as this type of situation. Tell her you're sorry and that your sense of humor isn't nearly your best quality. The self-depreciation makes a guy seem more genuine for some reason. If after the first date she still doesn't seem willing to pony up, you may have to accept that you're dating a golddigger... good luck

I can tell you are madly in love by the way you didn't have any idea how she would act on her date. Way to take the word "love" and ruin it, dipshit. I'm glad she left.

that, my friend, is what i like to call A GOLDDIGGER