By -insert clever nickname here- - 29/04/2012 23:56 - United States - Seattle

Today, I asked the girl I'm madly in love with out to dinner. When she asked me if I would pay, I jokingly said, "Well, that depends on how the date goes." She looked me up and down and said, "No thanks then." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 514
You deserved it 15 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess she can't take a joke. Must not be the one. Sorry OP :(

At least the money you would have spent on the dinner can go towards a girl with a sense of humor !


geod69 8
bubo_fml 10

Forget her...She's a dough Ho!

bubo_fml 10

The best answer? "If you play your cards right, I'll let you super size it, Baby!"

bubo_fml 10

The best answer? "If you play your cards right, I'll let you super size it, Baby!"

Well that ain't the best pick up line on your part YDI

Now you know what type of person she really is. Count yourself lucky.

YDI, fool. YOU asked her out, not her. Hence, YOU pay for the dinner, not her. That was an awful joke anyway.

At least you tried to be yourself. It's better that happened now as opposed to getting to know each other a little, only to realize it won't work. Better luck next time!!!

1crabbygirl 10

Threatening on a first date = not funny. Let her get to know you first next time. Or maybe you aren't cut out to pair up with an alpha. there are lots of omegas out there, OP.

Maybe you should play cause you're a nice guy? Not threaten her into giving you a good time. Pig.