By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, I asked my husband why he won't list me as his wife on Facebook. Apparently, it's because he doesn't want the high school friends he just reconnected with to know that he married "the biggest geek in the whole school." We went to the same high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 143
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your husband is imature and cares more about appearances than your feelings. Deny him sex and anything else he may like until he changes this.

mynameisjohn19 0

Wow what a jerk. He obviously hasn't matured enough if he's still seeking approval from everyone who went to your high school.


Wow! WTH! Thats really stupid of him.

HahaYDI 0

He doesn't have to tell anyone about you, just go make some waffles for him.

z3r0ram 0

it's not his fault you sucked at being cool

lollipops321 0

... people like you are truly moronic.

HahaYDI 0

Your parents are cousins, number 55.

Antivirus_fml 0

Who cares? its just facebook. :/



No it makes perfect scence the OP deserves it for being a nerd

this wouldn't make any sense if you didn't go to the same school. by telling us that you went to the same school ruins because they know youvwere a geek....

ydi for marrying the dumbest jock in the whole school

That means OP's husband was a desperate little loser to marry the "biggest geek" in the school.

At least it didnt turn out that he was the biggest geek there. Did it?

Omg that sucks!!! He doesn't deserve you

Everytime I see someone say "he/she doesn't deserve you" on FML , a puppy dies

deja54 0

Seriously. I'm sick of seeing the "he/she doesn't deserve" bullshit. It's stupid. It doesn't make anyone feel better. It's patronizing, and more importantly, it's always used in the most inappropriate places. "My boyfriend broke up with me" "He didn't deserve you anyway!" "What? Why? Because he didn't want to be with her? Logic fail."

Besides that, WE DON'T KNOW THE OP. For all we know the OP is a total bitch and deserves someone like her husband. Or, atleast, the way her husband appears from the FML.

Your husband is imature and cares more about appearances than your feelings. Deny him sex and anything else he may like until he changes this.

deja54 0

Yeah. That won't strain the relationship at all...

annamg 0

Yeah, because using sex as a bargaining chip is really going to help and strengthen a relationship.

Marrach 7

Immature*. The word was immature.

#47 aye, and pretending you're not married to your wife isn't going to help either. :p

mynameisjohn19 0

Wow what a jerk. He obviously hasn't matured enough if he's still seeking approval from everyone who went to your high school.

missmarley93 1

haha agreed! what an asshole!

Nicely said. Makes me wonder about his personality, obviously he saw through your perceived geekiness to fall in love with you now, but the fact remains that he's totally uncomfortable with anyone else thinking he got you. So he's shallow and insecure really.

FaithX 0

Sounds like you may need to check out divorce lawyers.

Relationships are not a one way deal. Both sides make a choice. You choose to marry a total ass - what do you expect? Maybe he played all smooth with you while dating - but that's a two way deal too. Obviously you made a bad choice - now kick his ass to the curb.

I would just go on facebook and leave posts all over his wall signed with "Your loving wife" :p

Change from "biggest geek" to "most vindictive bitch" and take his silly ass to the cleaners.

Tell him you're glad no one knows that you married the biggest jerk in the whole school.