By myennechee - 18/03/2009 05:22 - Germany

Today, I asked my boyfriend while he was eating potato chips if he wanted to eat me. He looked at the potato chips, looked at me, and said, "Unless your vagina turns into a potato chip, I'd rather eat these." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 203
You deserved it 91 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eh, most guys don't wanna be bugged during eating, tv, games, or with his friends


gret1042 0

wow any guy that does that is a complete tool and or gay, it makes no sense, u should find someone that is willing to do that for you anytime

LOL at the people saying he should be dumped for saying no.

eeee93757 0

Don't take his response to heart, us men don't like to be interrupted while we're eating and such.

Gg #63. That sounds like it was a joke. Even if it wasn't, though, it's perfectly fair. Being a girl, I can't tell how serious all the "Don't bother him when he's eating!" comments are, but for my own part, if I'm eating crisps or junk food it's because I feel like relaxing and being lazy. If my boyfriend happened to be there during that, and asked if I wanted to give him a ******* - well, if I'm feeling generous I might, but it won''t be my first preference. And I wouldn't ask him spontaneously in that situation if he wanted to eat me out, because why would he?

Tripodi 0

I'm guessing #23 would know hahaha

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHG A HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AH AHAHA AHAH AHA AH AHA HAHAHAHAHAQHAHAHAHAZHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ElleEnvy 0

Would you really want him eating you out after he had a bag of chips? Gross much?

OhSoFoxy 0

"****** doesn't taste all that great anyway, and it's a lot of work for really no benefit to the man." The same can be said about ********, but we do it anyway.

dg72592_fml 0

this is why you date black guys.