
By Jaxter - 18/03/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I was walking up to girlfriend's house when her terrifying Marine Corps dad threw a football at me. Not being very athletic, I surprised myself by catching it. He gestured for me throw it back and I watched it spiral wildy to the left and hit my girlfriend's mom in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 116
You deserved it 15 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mylifesucks_alot 0

I sympathize. I'm a girl. I'm straight. However, I have the football-catching abilities of a sack of flour. Throwing is something I am even worse at. I feel bad for you because her scary father is probably going to get a whole lot scarier after this instance :(

You must have scored some brownie points with that =)


your fault. if you're a guy you should be able to throw a football. (I don't mean you should be good at it, but be able to throw straight...)

that's incorrect, some people are good at throwing, others catching, and sometimes none. Being male has nothing to do with it

i agree being male has nothing to do with it. But OP should have counted his blessings after catching the ball and then manfully walking over to his girlfriend's father to return it. (: Then he would have kept his respect.

she shouldnt be such a dumbass and pay attention. bitch deserved it

mylifesucks_alot 0

I sympathize. I'm a girl. I'm straight. However, I have the football-catching abilities of a sack of flour. Throwing is something I am even worse at. I feel bad for you because her scary father is probably going to get a whole lot scarier after this instance :(

That blows. I'm sure they understand that it was an accident, though, and it'll be ok. I just hope you apologized profusely.

You should have made the "its good" sign with your arms, then did your best end zone dance

I bet that's not the first time that mom had balls thrown in her face

Chaith 16

Listen to #8 if you want your car to be put in drive and you stuffed back in the trunk.

#7- What the hell?!?! Seriously, SHUT UP and go away. It's okay, I can't throw a football to save my life. One time I tried to throw a football back to the game and instead it hit somebody's head and knocked them out. Just explain that it was an accident and it'll be okay.