By myennechee - 18/03/2009 05:22 - Germany

Today, I asked my boyfriend while he was eating potato chips if he wanted to eat me. He looked at the potato chips, looked at me, and said, "Unless your vagina turns into a potato chip, I'd rather eat these." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 203
You deserved it 91 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eh, most guys don't wanna be bugged during eating, tv, games, or with his friends


MsSippi 0

If my boyfriend asked me to blow him while I was eating, I would have the same response.

refuse to give your boyfriend oral sex the next time he asks.

Don't ever try to get betwen a guy and food! ;o)

mpwga 0

this isn't an FML but its definetely funny

Mmmmm... potato chip ******... *drool*

blahnoopoo 0

haha thats actually funny. I would have laughed.

Ahhem 0
EffYourLyf 0

Appreciate his sense of humor, kid.