By myennechee - 18/03/2009 05:22 - Germany

Today, I asked my boyfriend while he was eating potato chips if he wanted to eat me. He looked at the potato chips, looked at me, and said, "Unless your vagina turns into a potato chip, I'd rather eat these." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 203
You deserved it 91 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eh, most guys don't wanna be bugged during eating, tv, games, or with his friends


Hahaha im sorry but this one killed me, I don't have the balls to say that to a chick

green_199 0

Did you really want him? It sounds more like you just wanted him to pay more attention to you. If you actually wanted him, all you would've had to do is rub up against him and he'd be down.

jayhawk63 0

If you don't want him I'll take him. I love me the witty ones.

SimpleIdiot 0

lolz smart though yea a guy eating a ****** is like girl sucking a dick not really fun if it smells

**** that; I'd drop the chips instantly

Ha! That is funny... I am sure he was just joking, but even if he wasn't; look at it this way. You don't want Salt in your ****** that would see particularly uncomfortable. That is exactly what would happen with mr. potato chip... As for him, what is wrong with him?

I'd do it, but i'd damn sure be finishing my chips first. Then brushing my teeth, because you don't want chips goobers all up in your vajayjay. God knows how watching him eating chips would turn you on anyhow.

LOL seriously busted up on this one, that is hilarious. Don't take it to heart, its just too funny.

hahahahahahahhahahahaha your pussy must taste terrible