Fair Warning

By TheNoseKnows - 16/02/2017 14:00 - United States - Bronx

Today, while sitting in a bar, I offered to buy the drunk chick sitting next to me a drink. She was a lot more inebriated than I thought, because she looked at me with bloodshot eyes and cheerfully responded, "There's a rotten smell in my vagina!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 870
You deserved it 2 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she was already drunk, why would you offer to buy her another drink?

If you're trying to get drunk chicks drunker, that probably isn't a deal breaker for you...


If she was already drunk, why would you offer to buy her another drink?

Dodged a bullet there, OP. Drunk words are sober thoughts and if her thoughts were true...

Reply with "I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look". Cheers.

If you're trying to get drunk chicks drunker, that probably isn't a deal breaker for you...

Goblin182 26

Well there you go, truth in advertising.

itssnotfunny 24

At least she told you before you (possibly) found out the hard way.

Yes...why were you trying to buy her another drink? I find it most likely that you were trying to take advantage of an intoxicated woman. I think drunk or not she realised your intentions and told you that just to get rid of you. The fact that it seems to have worked only makes the theory all that much more plausible. Shame on you and kudos to her.

Way to assume. I know lots of people who but drinks for people just because they can. Sure getting a drink pertain more wasted looks bad but your putting words in his mouth. Maybe he was trying to pick her up. Neither of us know that so ease up on the bashing