By Anonymous - 10/12/2011 03:41 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend if I've gained weight. He replied, "Why do you think I've been so often on top lately?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 864
You deserved it 8 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you need to ask someone of you've gained weight you can just step on a scale


x123 0

71- Dude, the whole post is about sex possisions.. Like doggystyle and so ? Missionary is called that, because it is the most 'pure' way of having sex .. With The man on top and all.. Of course the missionaries have sex, how else would they reproduce? Even I thow all this shit, and I'm freaking Danish..

mikh_fml 0

Don't put out. Maybe he'll be nicer next time.

Dude I cracked up to your first 2 comments lmaoooo

Benabus - Quit thumping your bible. I'm Catholic, and you're making ME ashamed.

bubo_fml 10

Switch places & enjoy your workouts!!

bearjtbear 1

shouldn't have asked is you didn't want the answer.

bizarre_ftw 21

Hmmm a new tactic that allows us to be lazy in bed? GENIUS!!! You, ma'am, deserve a medal!! *three cheers!* hip hip! *takes bite of cake* Hhugrraighgij!!! Hig hipf! Hur-galsnvbbaeygc! *devours cake* Sorry, what were we doing? Hey honey! Wanna have sex?