Breakfast time!

By shit flavored eggs - 09/03/2021 00:30

Today, I decided to make an almighty breakfast of fried eggs and bacon. I couldn't find anything to flip the eggs with so I used a red spatula that my sister handed me. As I was finishing a delicious fry up, my mom came downstairs and asked me why the cat litter scoop was resting in the frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 065
You deserved it 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xllabraxasllx 19

Maybe if you had cleaned the litter box a few times in the past you wouldn’t have fallen for that god-tier practical joke. Lmao ydi

I would have thrown hands at your sister if I was you you got me effed up that’s so messed up 🤮


I would have thrown hands with your sister if I was you got me effed up that’s so messed up 🤮

I would have thrown hands at your sister if I was you you got me effed up that’s so messed up 🤮

We going the Beetlejuice route with this comment? Lol

xllabraxasllx 19

Maybe if you had cleaned the litter box a few times in the past you wouldn’t have fallen for that god-tier practical joke. Lmao ydi

Bacon, cat shit. Bacon, cat shit. Eat it or don't? Tough call!

This is why you check something is clean, especially if your little sister gives it to you

giraffe_poop 8

What an eggs-ellent pun! I love great yolks.