By ssnickel - 07/07/2009 21:29 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my birth control pill on the floor and my dog ate it. The good news is, I startled her and she spit it right out. The bad news is, I still had to take it after it had been in my dog's mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 935
You deserved it 19 700

Same thing different taste


rocker_chick23 27

To all the idiots saying "Close your legs and you won't have to be on the pill." Many women take it for medical reasons. I had to take it for PCOS and my virginal friend takes it to regulate her period.

Dogs mouths are cleaner than you think... Well, cleaner than some things. So i think you're going to be alright cx

Please tell me you at least washed it off

You didn't have to take it. Take a new, clean pill

Alyon96 0