Jagged Little Pill

By Anonymous - 02/10/2019 22:01

Today, my daughter wanted to show me the tooth she had just lost. As I was in a rush to leave for work, I quickly picked up and swallowed my pill that was on the kitchen table. It was only until I looked back down at the table did I see not only my pill, but one extremely angry daughter glaring at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 553
You deserved it 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you need to pay attention what you swallow

It's going to come back out eventually, no worries.


you need to pay attention what you swallow

Major_Haywire 7

No need to ask if you spit or swallow then 👀

Tell her the Tooth Fairy requires you swallow the tooth so she can know how much money to put under your pillow.

It's going to come back out eventually, no worries.

You trying to get your ass kicked by the Tooth Fairy?