By ssnickel - 07/07/2009 21:29 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my birth control pill on the floor and my dog ate it. The good news is, I startled her and she spit it right out. The bad news is, I still had to take it after it had been in my dog's mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 935
You deserved it 19 700

Same thing different taste


I had to take birth control because of hormone imbalances that caused my body to malfunction. It's not just for pregnancy, like the above poster said. If she has hormone imbalances, condoms would not be very useful to her. And she could also be very poor, or just not know any better.

I don't know where you're seeing these comments. As far as I can tell, no one here has called OP a **** or said she deserved it because she was having sex. I may be completely blind/stupid and didn't see them. Or did you infer that the other commentors got the impression that OP was a **** because they assumed OP was taking birth control to have sex and not get pregnant?

Did you know that dogs's mouths are cleaner than humans's?

hewro_failure 11

The good news is the dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans

Or you could've just not boned anyone that day.

wolfman2123 13

Did you at least rinse it off

A dog's mouth is very clean, even cleaner than a human's mouth.