By andrie09 - 07/07/2009 22:18 - United States

Today, my mom told me I was a bad daughter because I didn't get anything for my parents' anniversary. I just sent my brother a check for $400 for my share of their gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 332
You deserved it 3 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow ur brother should really include you in the card or something

Wtf. Your brother`s a douche for either keeping the money or not giving you credit as well. And your mom`s a bitch for saying that.


Wow ur brother should really include you in the card or something

letitbe56 0

That's what I was thinking. Her brother clearly asked her to pay a lot of money and gave her no credit. That's incredibly rude.

kaytee05 0

that would piss me off to no end! I'm sorry :(

Ms_Thingie 0

Awww that's so sad but look on the bright side u learned a life lesson: never trust ur brother!!!!

I think everyone here missed the point. She JUST sent her brother the money, which means their gift for anniversary will be late, not that her brother scammed her! And 'FML' here is that her mother thinks she's a bad daughter, when she had JUST SENT the money for their gift...

sam_stalker 0
aerials_fml 0

Well, I hope that you at least explained the situation. YDI if you didn't say anything and let your brother take all the credit.

i agree. tell your mom you gave your brother money for the gift. then tell your brother you want to see the receipt to make sure he didn't rip you off and buy the gift with solely your money. if he was willing to deny you credit, i don't think this is out of the realm of possibility.

itsgen 16
jncwmnd 0

yeah, why the hell does your mom care so much if YOU didn't get her anything? it's their anniversary, so technically it has nothing to do with you.

abcxyz123 0
Essentials 0

Kick your brothers ass and tell your mom to fuckoff for being a bad mom.

Wtf. Your brother`s a douche for either keeping the money or not giving you credit as well. And your mom`s a bitch for saying that.

Oh, that's not nice. Did you tell your mother about your share in the gift? $400 is a lot btw :| especially if that's only half the money! I wonder what it was..

Umm.. probably jewelry? $400 doesn't really buy you much jewelry, btw, that's really not that much money.

It's a lot for a lot of people. And my 1/3 carat engagement ring only cost $400, so I'm not sure what world you're living in where $400 won't buy jewelry.