By ssnickel - 07/07/2009 21:29 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my birth control pill on the floor and my dog ate it. The good news is, I startled her and she spit it right out. The bad news is, I still had to take it after it had been in my dog's mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 935
You deserved it 19 700

Same thing different taste


splarf1991 0

your dogs mouth is cleaner than your so there should really be much of a problem

No, you don't... >_< just get the next one, it doesn't matter if you stop 1 day earlier for your period.

jusgirl08 0

Do you not know that most of those pills are only sugar pills? You don't really even have to take all of them. That's why some birth control pills are only once a month.

friday6700 0
viciouspanda 0

thats disgusting, y didnt u just get another one?

Basenji500 0

pretty sure you can go a day without.. but to each her own.i guess