By Anonymous - 13/02/2016 01:07 - United States - Roxboro

Today, I accidentally dropped my birth control pill. My cat ate it before I could pick it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 350
You deserved it 2 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your cat won't get pregnant. Lol you should prolly take your cat to the vet

askullnamedbilly 33

I guess now it's time for you to find out if birth control pills are poisonous to cats.


my cat has done the same thing! luckily it didn't do anything to her.

At least your cat won't get pregnant. Lol you should prolly take your cat to the vet

#6, it isn't. people are just too stupid and lazy to type probably

#15 I hate to say it but if you search the oxford dictionary its a word. :/

I guess it's not as bad as when people misspell definitely as "defiantly"

Well, you won't have to worry about any unexpected litters.

askullnamedbilly 33

I guess now it's time for you to find out if birth control pills are poisonous to cats.

They aren't. I dropped mine a couple of months back and my friend's dog got to it. Panicked, I looked up if vomiting should be induced or if we should run him to the vet. Apparently the birth control given to humans is weak compared to what's given to cats or dogs. It shouldn't even affect them in the slightest.

Oh absolutely, I love them but not in that way! ;) In all seriousness, they're my favorite.

Smiles2910 18

You have exactly one pill a day for 4 weeks, you can't just take another one.

#37, you can just take another one and make up for it by (a) not taking the pill for 8 days instead of 7 during period week or (b) just start the next pack of pills a day early. So missing just one pill isn't a huge deal.

I dropped one a month or so ago and its lost in my room somewhere, I had to take one from elsewhere in the pack now I have to start mine on Sunday rather than Monday :(

Well I was on the pill for 8 years and my doctor told me not to mess with the days and just skip if a pill got lost. Apologizes for citing my doctor.

Funny how cats (especially mine actually) refuse to eat any pill when you try to give him one, but would eat directly something that is not meant for them.

My dogs the same. If I have to give her something, I pretend to drop something I'm chopping up and she snaps it up without even thinking about it. If I try to give it to her by hand, she looks at me like I'm crazy.

pets, like children can become rebellious at the delicate age of puberty. it's why I have neither... little ungrateful suckers.

a truck I use dog is to wrap his pill up in a slice of deli meat, and then to quickly give him another piece of meat before he can spit out the pill.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

40, I used to do the same thing with my dog until she realized that the pills were in the food. She refuses to eat sliced cheese or ham to this day.

Hopefully your cat turns out to be okay, I'd call the vet or do some online research