By glowstick - 30/06/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, my dog ate my little brothers medication. I spent all morning trying to make him throw it up, but it wasn't working so I took him to the animal hospital, which was in a different city. $150 in poison control and vet bills later, I found the pill we thought he ate stuck under his paw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 664
You deserved it 8 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Snuwishuhad 0

Aw, don't feel bad, you were probably very stressed while worrying for your dog's life. It's also sweet how adamant you were to try and help! Some people abandom their pets. Sorry about the $150 though, that is kind of unfortunate. But, hey, if it weren't under his paw then you'd regret not making all your efforts :)

Aww that sucks so much x(. It's good you went to such great lengths to make sure your dog was okay, but look at it this's a good thing he hadn't actually swallowed the pill. FYL though, definitely.


you spent all morning trying to clean it up, yet the dog exhibited no outward symptoms and you still took him to the vet? Did you think to look up the possible interactions between the doc and the medicine via this wonderful tool we call the internet? If you answered no to that question, please do us all a favor and not reproduce.

Internet wouldnt help, because it was a child's medication... what would the symptoms be? nothing.... my dog eats everything and has no symptoms of anything- even if she eats crazy shit. So stfu- dont act like u know everything... OP- That sux, but at least you cared for it. Karma will repay you

did u ever think about the fact he was panicking? and that he was trying to HELP?

That's awfully cute of you. However, as the RESPONSIBLE owner of two dogs, I can tell you they would've never had access to childrens medication. Furthermore, if for some reason they did ingest it, I would go through the proper steps to ensure the safety of my dog without panicking and spending $150 bucks I didn't need to spend. It's really that simple.

waxstigmata 0

hows the weather up there on that high horse of yours?

It's pretty sunny and care free. You know, since I can now take time to worry about the economy, work, school, etc, instead of my dogs running around causing God knows how much trouble. Seriously, it's not even a high horse, I just happen to care about my dogs so much that they're trained to behave. I respect and love them enough to take the necessary precautions to protect them.

jnic 0

Stfu. Anyone who wastes time on the internet instead of going to the vet right away when their pet could start experiencing lethal symptoms basically needs to go die.

jnic 0

Also, what if they recently got the dog and haven't gotten to the point of fully training it yet? Someone could've been handling the meds and accidentally dropped a pill on the floor, and the dog may have ran over, picked it up and swallowed it before anyone got a chance to stop it. This exact situation happened to me once, and yeah, we ended up finding the pills after the vet visit, not swallowed at all. Even after searching forever. ugh. Nobody's perfect. jesus.

CryingHowls 0

i'm replying to the retard that posted the first comment. when someone's panicking cuz someone/thing important to them took some drug, NO ONE is going to sit down and search the internet. that's like having the cops tell you to really be sure it's an emergency before telling them to come save you. there's a saying called BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY. use ur ******* head for once in your god damn life. i hope YOU don't reproduce - you'd be doing us all a favor. as for OP: that sucks. but yea, better safe than sorry. maybe there were two pills - one stuck on his paw AND one he ingested. who knows? what we do know for sure is that your dog will be fine. heck, i'd spend the $150 if it means my dog will be safe. to the other people: what high horse? it's called being compassionate about ur pet, caring for your pet, and loving it. yea you may love it, but if you're not willing to pay $150 to care for the pet after it has ingested a pill (be it accident or not), then you're a pathetic and lousy owner.

well you can't change whats been done. i mean sure, you can train ur dog to not do things, and maybe the OP should have taken that precaution, but whats done is done. I think that he did the best he could, given the situation.

Lol i think the high horse thing was to the first commenter

umm i hope you werent planning to give the medication to ur son after the dog threw it up... :P

hey bitch how are you doing? listen if you had a dog that swallowed baby medication you don't wanna be sitting in your chair looking at google searching how to make your dog puke baby medicine. you want to be safe than sorry. the baby needs it's med you think the dog Ate it worst case senario is that the dog and baby dies.

hotstuff81 0

That totally sucks. Yes second

i agree with you, with does suck. anyway good on you for taking to vet and poison control

Snuwishuhad 0

Aw, don't feel bad, you were probably very stressed while worrying for your dog's life. It's also sweet how adamant you were to try and help! Some people abandom their pets. Sorry about the $150 though, that is kind of unfortunate. But, hey, if it weren't under his paw then you'd regret not making all your efforts :)

Aww that sucks so much x(. It's good you went to such great lengths to make sure your dog was okay, but look at it this's a good thing he hadn't actually swallowed the pill. FYL though, definitely.

well, at least u were trying to do whats best for the dog. It must have sucked thinking ur dog would have died :(

dandcd93 0

I agree with #3 and 5. I'm glad that you at least care about your dog.

well at least the dog didnt actually eat the medicine and the dog is safe

j3nn1987 0

I can kinda relate. My dogs ate 3 bags of white melting chocolate of various colors after busting out of their kennel one day when it was 45 below out. 1/4 cup of peroxide and half of my basement covered in green puke 10 minutes later...

They might have been ok, my dog ate a 9 inch chocolate figureen and he was perfectly fine, no upset stomach or anything. But he'll eat pretty much any food you drop and aren't quick enough to pick up.

Ugh, when I was 7 my English Mastiff ate a solid 1 pound chocolate bunny I got as an easter gift, wrapper and all. Not even a hiccup. Pffft.

We've had mastiffs my entire life; they seem to digest everything.

white chocolate isnt even real chocolate, its mostly cocoa butter.

At least you care about your dog [: Money is replaceable, your dog isn't. Be glad he didn't eat the pill! FYL, tho. $150 is still a lot of money.