Over unready

By Anonymous - 14/10/2021 08:01 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, I finally found our big casserole in the attic. Once the food was all nicely layered into it, I realized why it had been in the attic. It doesn't actually fit into our standard-sized oven. By a few millimeters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 758
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just hit it with a hair dryer and a curling wand for about 18 hours and it'll be just as good as cooking it in an oversized oven.


Just hit it with a hair dryer and a curling wand for about 18 hours and it'll be just as good as cooking it in an oversized oven.

You can always put in on the four open burners of your stove. Or you can ask your neighbor with the McMansion the permission to use their big-ass six-burner stove. Or you can build a hearth in your back yard.