By Anonymous - 08/05/2015 16:59 - India - New Delhi

Today, at a party I got blind drunk and I gave a guy a blowjob for the first time. I'm a 100% heterosexual male. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 215
You deserved it 42 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anniemeece 23

I don't know if "100%" is an accurate estimate...


pharm121 21

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sonasonic 34

You should use your head next time.

60% of the time, it works all the time.

well he's not a 100% heterosexual male anymore....

98 - your sexuality is about who your attracted to, not who you have sex with. but who knows, maybe op secretly liked it since his drunk mind let him, and drunk words (or in this case actions) are sober thoughts ;)

pharm121 21

Well #89, I stopped "experimenting" at like 13 when I realized I was like 110% ****...haha

Exactly. There's nothing wrong in experimenting. At least now you know whether or not you like it.

Am I the only one who wonders if OP got roofied?

dswomi 12

He did. Didn't you read the FML?

Sucks to suck! If you know what I mean!

Oh I think he knows firsthand (or mouth) what you mean!

That actually made me chuckle out loud.

I believe you are the master at sucking dick at sucking dick.

"I just gave you a *******, but no ****, bro. No ****."

Is anybody else wondering how he found out? I mean, if you're blind drunk, don't you usually forget what happened previously?

#278 the question is... does it also swallow

Hunthas 17

yY ea. check in with the Kinsey scale. Either way, there is no way you are 100% straight or gay.

I'm completely 100% hetero. Not everyone's bisexual. But OP is definitely a hint more "open" than me. ;)

Everyone has at least one person of the same sex or opposite they would be attracted to even if they are Heterosexual or homosexual.

#133 Blanket statements like that, in my opinion, are rarely true. I for one do not like anyone of the same sex that way. Nor have I ever.

#141, that doesn't necessarily mean you never will be... Maybe you just need to meet the right person of the same sex. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just think their point was that it's possible there is someone out there you would be attracted to. Kind of like the "everyone has a soulmate" argument- just because you haven't met them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Alec Baldwin, Jared Leto, and Bryan Cranston are dreamy as ****. I am a heterosexual male. Problem?

can people STOP speaking for other people? dont tell someone else what they would or would not like, thanks

leogachi 15

Nobody was doing that, 184. Just stay chill.

Ummm, nope. I'm a woman and I've NEVER been interested in another woman in my entire life. The thought of it repulsed me. Cockaholic ALL the way.

Everyone was saying that. I don't know what conversation you just read.

Astrum14 24

#143, that reeks of the same shit that straight bigots often pull saying that gay people "Just need to meet the right person" to turn them straight. Some people are 100% straight or gay. Just because you're a little bit gay, doesn't mean you need to project it onto the rest of humanity.

not any more you aint, have fun though **** what other people think

anniemeece 23

I don't know if "100%" is an accurate estimate...

rdenkewicz 11

Sure bud. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

blackman100 20