By nimrod23 - 18/10/2009 09:28 - Australia

Today, as I was walking home late at night, some asshole threw a lit cigarette butt out of their balcony. It fell between my glasses and my eye and left a burn mark on my cheek. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 060
You deserved it 2 530

Same thing different taste

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most smokers are so rude. so tired of them throwing their butts out windows and not using the ash trays that are built into their cars or spending the dollar to buy one at the dollar store. its like the whole world is their ash tray. so rude. i just want to go to where they live and throw my junk all over their homes and see if that is ok.

That sucks, FYL but it was better on your cheek then in your eyes, that would have been much more painful.


aero_fml 0

People that smoke are disgusting anyway. Karma will do them in young

lendmeyourteeth 0

uhh how is smoking alone due to stress or whatever karma? you know the oldest person to live was a smoker, right?

aero_fml 0

Three words for you. Second hand smoke.

aero_fml 0

Meant to edit this in. It's bad for your health, it's bad for the health of others, and (as demonstrated in this case) it's bad for the environment. Most people just toss their butts off to the side and hope somebody else will take care of it. It's proven to be cancer causing and very unhealthy, one guy that lived a long time smoking doesn't make it good for everybody.

HeyItsWill12 0

So that one person that lived makes up for the millions that have died and are dying due to tobacco related products? Don't see that being a good argument lol

americayay 0

Haha. I thought it was a TERRIFIC and iron clad argument. Kidding. It's just a small burn mark on his cheek, though. Boo ******* hoo. Get over it.

While there's no hard statistics because the tobacco lobbyists and anti-tobacco lobbyists all skew their numbers, it's generally agreed upon that somewhere around 10% of smokers get the lung cancer we're promised. Yes, it's unhealthy, and yes, there are many other health risks, but that doesn't mean every smoker's gonna croak at 50. Also, your "karma" theory is bullshit. Someone mildly annoys you with their cigarette stench and you think they deserve an early grave for that? Honestly, I don't see your supposed karma bringing you much good fortune after a statement like that.

WickedClownMCL 1

You are a idiot. Im a state wrestler and have been smoking since I was 13, am now 20, and never get out of breath unless the person im wrestling is really good. The whole BS about dying from long cancer some is true, but most is just bullshit spread by people who dont like the smell. Its America. Its LEGAL (for over 18) So put ur bigkid panties on, and SHOVE IT PRICK!

PoopNuggetLeader 4

Lets see you go a full fight when you're 25. Highly unlikely.

Have you seen Dr Stein from Soul Eater? Bitch, please. He is not disgusting.

ManUpFucker 0

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elmyra_duff 0

the op doesnt say this is the worst thing happened.. it certainly is wicked though. i mean come on, sb writes 'today michael jackson died. fml' and that one gets the highest positive votes. is that really the WORST thing happened to the OP? no.

or he had a relatively good, or short life. want to know the worst thing that happened to me? i almost stubbed my toe once. :D im lying. but you get my point.

lendmeyourteeth 0

Omgggg not a burn mark on your cheek! your life is horrible man

Sun_Kissed18 25

First of all, ouch. Second of all, ew. This does suck...

Mrs_H 0

A burn on his cheek from something that he had no control over does suck! (I mean, it would be totally his fault if he had lit a cigarette and then had that burn his cheek.) But to be burned by something flying at you... that sucks! :(

elmyra_duff 0

that is really rude... I don't know if the police would care, but in a hypothetical world, you can detect who did that.. if you keep the cigarette butt, there certainly is DNA on it from saliva. and you know exactly where it came from. with warrant and dna sample, that douchebag can be found.. ok as i said, the police probably wouldn't deal with such a small thing.. but in the future, that kind of stupidness might be very easy to detect. say you can buy a 'take-home' dna sequence detector, and everyone's dna is in the accessible system. tadaaa there is your bad guy!! this is probably not that far.. ok yes, i work in genetics department :)

This is just ridiculous. Why would you go that far to punish someone who absentmindedly flicked their butt off their porch? It's not like we smokers have contests to see how many of you non-smokers we can burn. OP's smoker should have been more careful where he threw his cigarette, but honestly, what were the chances this would happen?

Cigarettes cause fires too. Flicking a lit cigarette could have burned down the smoker's whole ******* apartment building. So I can see many people caring, especially since there have been huge wildfires in California (wildfires as in more than one) due to cigarette butts being carelessly tossed away. And accidentally causing a fire through negligently tossing a lit cigarette can result in being charged with arson, and manslaughter if there's a death caused by the fire. Plus you will be sued to help cover the extremely expensive cost of firefighting the blaze. They don't **** around with this sort of thing, and neither should you.

elmyra_duff 0

the op doesnt say this is the worst thing happened.. it certainly is wicked though. i mean come on, 'sb writes today michael jackson died. fml' and that one gets the highest votes. is that really the WORST thing happened to the OP? no.

That sucks, FYL but it was better on your cheek then in your eyes, that would have been much more painful.

What kind of stupid poor ******* click "you totally deserved it" on FMLs like this? Jesus ******* Christ, I hope all of you morons die a terrible death.

dude post that on that's a total dick move.