By Anonwymous - 18/10/2009 10:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked my fiancé's daughter to use her phone so I could call mine which I'd misplaced. Busy with homework, she nodded. Only after she jumped up did I notice that she had my number listed with a humiliating nickname, and accompanied by a photo of her middle finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 952
You deserved it 5 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering WHAT the humiliating nickname is?

Sorry mate, what did you do to her? Or is she just hating the replacement father figure?


Sorry mate, what did you do to her? Or is she just hating the replacement father figure?

Haven't there been like three FMLs from the perspective of the people in her situation?

Am I the only one wondering WHAT the humiliating nickname is?

americayay 0

I vote asshat. That being said, she probably doesn't like him for a reason.

jennifercw18 0

Eh, I'd vote "The fu**tard marrying my mother". But I'm very curious as to what it is, as well. =P

americayay 0

Lol. Why do people do this with their cell phones? If they didn't label people with nasty nicknames, this awkwardness wouldn't happen.

TenebrificTurtle 0

The best part is ringtones. "Not My Daddy" by Asshat would be the perfect song.

Hahahahahha, sounds like something that i would do.

LMAO that is hysterical. Don't be such a bitch to her and maybe she'll ike you.

Sun_Kissed18 25

He may not have done anything but rather he is just marrying her mother

35- Thats not true i genuinely believe OP mustve done something to her, i hate my stepdad but i have a reason hes a total arse to me he treats my like shit and my mum backs him up every second of everyday even if hes wrong, so OP if your doing that to your future step-daughter YDI completely if not FYL.

35 and 61 maybe the daughter is the one being a bitch?

Its absolutely normal for a kid to dislike anyone their parent is with who is not their other parent. She'll get over it.

What Jonr93 said: There are a lot of kids who hate/dislike the new "father figure" in their life, and I should know- I'm one of them. ;P FYL OP, but on the other hand, don't take it too personally- it might be not so much that she hates /you/ as so much that she hates you replacing her dad or something like that :U

So what? She's a kid. And not yours for that matter.