By Anonymous - 12/01/2015 02:41 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents for the first time. His father was completely wasted, his mom was high, and his 11-year-old sister was talking about her favorite alcoholic drinks at the dinner table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 084
You deserved it 3 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know how old you are but I'd suggest informing social services as that sounds like a very sad situation and the 11 year old specifically needs to be taken out of that for sure and your boyfriend as well if he is underage.

Seems like you got the best one out of that family, unless your boyfriend has drinking/drug problems your not aware of...


Seems like you got the best one out of that family, unless your boyfriend has drinking/drug problems your not aware of...

"You're" is a contraction for "You are." As in... "You're an idiot." #1 was right. "Your" is more of a possession than anything. "Sir, your hat is on fire."

Ignore that comment. I didn't fully read #1's comment. Sorry.

Well this thread crashed and burned REAL quick

Was the dog smoking weed too,?? sorry op...

is this a reference to deathbulges illustrated fml?

I don't know how old you are but I'd suggest informing social services as that sounds like a very sad situation and the 11 year old specifically needs to be taken out of that for sure and your boyfriend as well if he is underage.

If I may make an addition in case OP reads this and her boyfriend is underage as well. If you do call social services he may not want to see you anymore for interfering with his family or he may be relocated from your area but don't hold back because you're afraid of that be brave enough to do the best thing for them and try and get him and his sister out of a bad situation. If he is of appropriate age talk to him about getting his sister moved out of there. No kids should be trapped with parents like that.

It breaks my heart because kids like that don't have a chance, they're doomed before they even get to branch out in the world. I really, really hope someone can step in. OP, if you personally are too afraid to step up, alert someone at the 11 year old's school. They'll definitely do something about it. If not school, I know there are hotlines (I know personally in my area you can call the sheriff and anonymously make a report) you can call so that maybe someone can step in for the 11 year old's sake.

Indeed #71 in that environment, with those parents, her trajectory in life is likely going to be so difficult she won't be able to right herself. If she is taken out of there and given something more stable/ caring she is still young enough to recover.

Pretty bad first impression.. But not the worst! Ask him if his parents liked you at the end of it.

That's a messed up environment... If your boyfriend's clean and you see a future with him, you should definitely be there for him.

Nothing like a good old bonding time with the boyfriend's family ;) I hope your boy is better than them. If not, run away. Fast.

I wonder how embarrassed your boyfriend might be.