By Dalistair - 23/05/2013 23:25 - United States - High Point

Today, my aunt drove to my house and screamed at me for skateboarding in her driveway and denting her car. She then ransacked my room for said skateboard so she could break it in half. My aunt lives 4 hours away. I don't own a skateboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 937
You deserved it 2 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she misses you and it's an excuse to visit you.

You should have gotten your parents involved to convince her you didn't skate the equivalent of 4 hours of driving just to do tricks in her driveway...


Your aunt also has a dent somewhere else..

avapaige1234 19

No offense, but your aunt needs to see a therapist.

Well she didn't find your skateboard so it's obvious you don't have one...

She should have made the trip to the local hospital sure it would have been shorter than going to your house!

Well, that's a BBC* Moment. *Bitches Be Crazy.

Time to call the "nice Ice Cream man"

Jesus; someone needs her meds checked. I bet that was a fun argument after she stopped ransacking long enough to realize she was wrong. "Why didn't you tell me it wasn't you!?" "Right, because you really listen to anyone you're too busy screaming insane bullshit at?" "I am NOT crazy you stupid talking fishstick monster!" "MOOOOOOOM! Aunt soandso called me a fishstick monster!" "Don't worry hun, the people in white with the happy juice and fun jackets that make you hug yourself are here to make her better."

fatalwish 6

sounds like somebodys off their meds

I feel your pain. I have a crazy as$ aunt too. I remember one year when the whole family went skiing, my aunt complain to my mom that my sister and I were being little brats and controlling the weekend doing whatever we want to do. I spent that entire weekend saying these four words 'I'm down for whatever'. so I can relate OP, good luck with your future endeavors.