By california - 14/03/2009 20:55 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street and noticed a man in ripped clothes with a cup out asking for money. I was on my way to the movies but I felt like this man needed it more that me. Right as I gave it to him, he pulled out his blackberry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 459
You deserved it 17 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd be surprised how much money hobos make.

Rabbittt 0

I know that there's going to be a shitstorm really soon. #2, speaking as someone who has known a lot of street kid and hung out with them while they spanged, no, they don't make a lot of money. (There are a few places, like Vegas, where every other person hands you a twenty, but I'll just assume that the OP doesn't live there) I'd also like to say that just ignoring a homeless person asking you for spange is a really terrible thing to do. Do you honestly think that they're going to want to go get a job after seeing that most people treat them like they're not even human? After having people pretend you don't exist most of the time, you're eventually just going to assume that any potential employer is going to treat you like that, too. If you don't want to give people money, say no, I've never met anyone who will get mad if you don't give them anything. Buuut, now that I'm done lecturing people, I'd have to agree that that guy is a ******* asshole. He probably has a job or deals or finds money some other way and doesn't need to be panhandling.


He probably stole it. That aside, I had a guy beg me for money for food, but I didn't have any. I'm happy I didn't because as he turned his head he had a bluetooth headset on his ear.

Person000 0


You'd be surprised how much money hobos make.

noobgang7 5

like the guy outside my work who always drives away in a camaro :p

And thats why giving money to panhandlers is the dumbest, laziest possible way to "help" homeless people. With the close second of voting liberal.

because liberals are the minority... that's why we have a democratic president.

rzbt21 0

gotta love politic jokes on fml

What does that have to do with anything?

yea like. how da hell do u get politics from hobos ?

Not all Texans are gun toting asshat conservatives.

most are and this is coming from a texan

rhastafish 13

I'd like to see from your point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass

Rabbittt 0

I know that there's going to be a shitstorm really soon. #2, speaking as someone who has known a lot of street kid and hung out with them while they spanged, no, they don't make a lot of money. (There are a few places, like Vegas, where every other person hands you a twenty, but I'll just assume that the OP doesn't live there) I'd also like to say that just ignoring a homeless person asking you for spange is a really terrible thing to do. Do you honestly think that they're going to want to go get a job after seeing that most people treat them like they're not even human? After having people pretend you don't exist most of the time, you're eventually just going to assume that any potential employer is going to treat you like that, too. If you don't want to give people money, say no, I've never met anyone who will get mad if you don't give them anything. Buuut, now that I'm done lecturing people, I'd have to agree that that guy is a ******* asshole. He probably has a job or deals or finds money some other way and doesn't need to be panhandling.

Tequila_Hilton 3

u dot get handed a twenty in Vegas, don't make shit up. just becuz it's vegas dont mean shit. ppl these days.

Il just keep the money that I work hard for thanks.

shannon.elizabeth 13

ive definetely been shouted at by homeless when I say I dont have any cash on me. the druggie kind though, i suppose if you're homeless and not high out of your mind you might be more kind to people who dont have much themselves. the homeless in my area are very aggressive too

"I've never met anyone who will get mad if you don't give them anything." i have. some have even gotten mad at me for not giving them enough. i gave a guy a buck's worth of gas when i was filling up cause he said he needed gas to get somewhere and he was collecting from everyone. i said i had no money and he said i could just give him some from the pump. well i would have given him like a dollar if i had cash so i pumped him a dollar's worth and he was insulted cause it was so little gas. but yea, i almost always give food only.

I completely disagree that it makes you a horrible person if you ignore them and don't give them something every time. I think food tends to be the best thing to give. It's also NOT fair to treat them as if they aren't human.

dont ignore say im sorry and walk away

This is why I don't give money to random homeless people on the street. Too many people faking it out there. I'd rather donate to an actually charity meant to help homeless people, there is a better chance that it will actually go to a person who needs it, rather than someone looking to make a quick buck, or someone trying to get money for something they're better without (mainly drugs or alcohol).

that's when you kick him and take your money back. =P but on a more serious note, i know people who have jobs and make good money and still panhandle on weekends because it's easy to make a few bucks that way. it's shitty because they are not only taking from those who are truly in need but also making them look bad, like this dude with the blackberry. that's why it's better to stick to giving out food or smokes instead of money. and can you get a blackberry on one of those pay as you go plans w/o a credit check????

yes you can on boost mobile but its over $200 for the phone and $60 / mo for the plan. & this wasnt around the time of the fmll.

meddude 0

you've gotta learn how to distinguish between the fakers and the real homeless people. i've seen so many that it's finally relatively easy. as for #4, you conservative jackass, stfu.