Pugs not drugs

By Anonymous - 26/10/2011 05:43 - United States

Today, my son got really high and shaved the dog with my electric shaver. Not only does the dog look really bad, I didn't know my son used drugs. I now have to buy the dog a sweater and get my son some help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 494
You deserved it 5 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

Dont crush his dream of becoming a dog groomer. I bet he did a lovely job and your just overreacting.

The dog probably peer pressured your son into getting high and then shaving him!


I think you were high when you wrote this.

lulzmylife 4

A+ parenting skills you got there. YDI.

No point in getting him help. Try it sometime :)

2wenty0ne21 0

184, in essence u just told me my opinion is wrong because I didn't base it off everyones elses expiriences. I don't have the patience to argue with such ignorance. Go look up the definition of opinion and while ur at it google some facts about marijuana. Good luck to all u close minded people

That sounds like me. Except replace "high" with "drunk" and "dog" with "cat". The cat liked it though.

juan1 0

If it was weed he doesn't need help, it would be better if u join him... If not weed then yes.

linnie_wesker 20

Weed itself isn't that terrible, but obviously your son is an idiot that can't handle being high, so yes he needs to stop.

Hey 127 wanna try spelling "hippocracy" correctly before using the word?

Dont forget to get a new electric shaver! Lol