By dumbdad - 28/12/2009 07:30 - United States

Today, my dad finally used the electric shaver I bought him for Christmas. My dog now has bald patches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 257
You deserved it 3 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No more animal testing, you want PETA to show up and set your dog free?


YDI for thinking that the word "finally" is appropriate after 3 days.

irishfever 0

ha that was exactly what I was thinking

that's when the FML was posted, not when it was made. it was just coincidental timing

youthink_fml 0

How is this a FML? F your dog's life.

Dont_Explain 3

Your mother has bald patches? Jesus, that's terrible. :(

sharon_ellj 0

Omg dude, i woke up this morning and my dog was completely shaved! She has a bald spot too! Hahaha i agree with #8 though...