Just can't get enough

By Anonymous - 13/02/2023 06:00

Today, my wife told me that when she was actually pregnant with her ex's child; she was insatiably horny and always wanted sex. Too bad for me, because the current pregnancy has made her repulsed by any sexual contact. Thanks for telling me, I guess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 244
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Because she doesn’t want to have sex while pregnant? Is there something wrong with you or did you not read the post correctly?

Nikki 17

We already know there’s something wrong with you but I assume you also didn’t read the post correctly


I hope you mean your "get the **** out of here and pick your shit up off the lawn tomorrow."

Nikki 17

We already know there’s something wrong with you but I assume you also didn’t read the post correctly