Picture game

By Anonymous - 01/12/2019 20:00

Today, my boyfriend stated that we should play a game where one person asks the other a question, and they answer it with a picture. I thought it sounded fun so I said yes. His first question was, "Do you shave your vagina?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 551
You deserved it 2 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he say it had to be a picture of you? Respond with a photo of a untrimmed hedge!

Susan Yee 9

Send a picture of a word of yes or no. Duh.


Did he say it had to be a picture of you? Respond with a photo of a untrimmed hedge!

Send him a screenshot of a webpage explaining what a ****** is and he'll hopefully understand that you can't shave one! Or just dump the idiot. If he doesn't know what a ****** is do you really want him near yours?

Did you ask him if he shaved his? Because he sounds like a real twat.

Susan Yee 9

Send a picture of a word of yes or no. Duh.

And you sent him a picture of a Maine Coon kitten. It would be adorable! What's the problem?

Still utterly flabbergasted how some 'relations' seem to be. How long are you together? He hasn't ever seen you naked?

bl3ur0z3 17

He probably has, but he still wanted the picture.

tounces7 27

If he's already seen her naked then I doubt a picture would be that big of a deal.

Matthew Irmen 11

You’ve got to be creative. Maybe a picture of a hairy cat or one of the hairless varieties could fill the bill. Make it fun not literal

He should know the answer to that already. Unless you haven’t had sex.