Unaware ableist

By Anonymous - 31/08/2020 04:01 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, I sat outside for a half hour hysterically laughing at this kid next door for constantly mooing like a cow. My mum came out to inform me the kid is severely disabled. I even mooed back at one stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 682
You deserved it 2 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well... if you simply thought the kid was being... well a kid and making sounds out of boredom i would say this is an embarrassing mistake. and who knows maybe the kid found it funny, in which case no harm no foul. and now you know to be a bit more careful in the future of how you respond, incase it isn't just the kid entertaining themself. intent is important here, I doubt you meant to outright mock them.

If the kid had fun and you had fun, so what if he's disabled? I have worked with a lot of disabled folks (including family members) and they absolutely love it when you do silly things with them. They feel validated when they are included.


Maybe you ought to try milking the kid. The most logical explanation for the constant mooing is that the so-called kid is actually a cow. I'll bet your family could sure use the milk and butter and cheese.

well... if you simply thought the kid was being... well a kid and making sounds out of boredom i would say this is an embarrassing mistake. and who knows maybe the kid found it funny, in which case no harm no foul. and now you know to be a bit more careful in the future of how you respond, incase it isn't just the kid entertaining themself. intent is important here, I doubt you meant to outright mock them.

The kid is not the only one severely disabled

If the kid had fun and you had fun, so what if he's disabled? I have worked with a lot of disabled folks (including family members) and they absolutely love it when you do silly things with them. They feel validated when they are included.

I don't think that plays into her conscience. she knows she was laughing at him which can rightfully make someone feel shitty.

Wadlaen 23

Maybe they were just singing the new hit song by Doja Cat?

its okay to laugh. hey, the kid connected to someone

Mathalamus 24

It’s entirely possible the kid mooed because it was hilarious.