By Username - 21/04/2011 13:55

Today, I asked my boyfriend if he was growing a mustache, as he had whiskers. He looked at me and said "No, but apparently you are." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 507
You deserved it 10 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

duckiecrazy 0

obviously someone needs to wax

she messed up one letter and you couldn't figure out what she was saying. and the Yis right next to the T. you couldn't put that together?


duckiecrazy 0

obviously someone needs to wax

LunaNstars 0

or her boyfriend might end up being confused into a homosexual relationship

ouch. you might want yo work on that... just sayin

she messed up one letter and you couldn't figure out what she was saying. and the Yis right next to the T. you couldn't put that together?

KingDingALing 9

This is the internet. Never expect much from people here. It's full of ignorant, moronic assholes.

sematariux 7

and dumbasses who think they are better than others by using chain words like ignorant moronic haha

KingDingALing 9

You have the nerve to call me a dumbass when you didn't capitalize "And"? You also didn't even put a period at the ens of your sentence. Jesus, this only proves my point. Go die in a hole and you will make the world a better place.

KingDingALing 9

And before you say something ignorant like "You misspelled 'end'", there's a difference between a typo and just being completely retarded. The second one seems to apply to you.

You cannot start a sentence with "and". Just saying.

Iamnotfat 16

never ever do this. waxing is a far better solution. In my work I see diff people everyday and it's not only obvious but stupid when I meet women who bleach a full blown mustache.

achristmas 0

ya and that doesn't hurt Like waxing

There are plenty of solutions if this is actually a problem (as in it's not just peach fuzz catching the light in a bad way) and/or he wasn't just joking.

sematariux 7

gillette the best in comfort hahah

Ew I know a girl with a legit mustache. It's not the most attractive thing in the world.

haileemarie7 6

haha...that reminds me of the iHop waitress I had a while ago. she had it styled and everything *shivers*

awesomeloser14 0

ok now thats scary 0.0 *imagines mustache* *shivers*