By bojangles - 28/02/2009 00:34 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that I don't like his facial hair and that he should shave it off. He replied, "You first." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 273
You deserved it 47 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe if you'd showed a little tact, he'd have spared your feelings.


lol I agree with #3 i'm glad i'm not a hairy person lol AND A GIRL 0-0

Under your nose should do the trick. ;)

Maybe if you'd showed a little tact, he'd have spared your feelings.

reallytho3 11
King_of_Kings 3

i think its time to go to the salon and get your upper lip waxed.

Why is everyone so mean to her? I don't like facial hair either, and sometimes I tell my boyfriends I don't like it. What's the big deal?

Symmetry88 0

Boyfriends? More then one? Wow.... JK! My boyfriend shaves everyday because I hate facial hair!

Nederlander95 14
jsryan25 0

girl u need to get your shave on 1st, don't be a hip-a-crit