Not now, dude

By Anonymous - 25/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Montgomery

Today, I was hugging my girlfriend after she had a really bad day at work, when she burst into tears and started sobbing. For some reason that I'll never understand, it gave me a hard-on. She felt it, and now she thinks I'm a sick bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 185
You deserved it 7 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In all honesty I think it may be the closeness of the hug combined with the psychological reasoning that she really trusts you is what gave you the hard-on

This happened to me once, dicks have a mind of their own


kotake 7

Tears are the best lubricant... But seriously it's really just the emotional aspect. Crying is a form of healing, and hugging a form a comfort. You're healing + comforting someone you love. Not only do you feel wanted, important, etc. But you're experiencing a closeness to someone you're attracted to. So little you gets eager. Sex isn't perverted, it's natural.

its because you were comforting her and protecting her

jajajanie 13

Being the hero to her probably did it. Sounds awkward and maybe upsetting in the moment but im sure it can be laughed off later.

Boners have a mind of their ******* own

pennamay 11

Maybe you were turned on that she felt comfortable enough to do such a thing in front of you.

Our dicks have minds of their owns. The other night I was on a date. This girl had injured her arm and every few minutes she would moan in pain and clutch my arm really tightly. I felt really guilty that it turned me on.

Why would she think your sick? You two were hugging for christs sake.

DeadpoolBatman 5

Tell her it felt good that she needed you, and you could offer her support and comfort when she was upset.