Not now, dude

By Anonymous - 25/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Montgomery

Today, I was hugging my girlfriend after she had a really bad day at work, when she burst into tears and started sobbing. For some reason that I'll never understand, it gave me a hard-on. She felt it, and now she thinks I'm a sick bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 185
You deserved it 7 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In all honesty I think it may be the closeness of the hug combined with the psychological reasoning that she really trusts you is what gave you the hard-on

This happened to me once, dicks have a mind of their own


JackDupp 11

It is likely a primitive instinct that you, as her guardian and defender, were able to console and protect her during a time of need, causing a rush of testosterone and a state of arousal. Or you just liked her **** pressed against you as she hugged you.

that eas really good! continued to the end..

Attacksloth 33

Some women don't understand this male problem. Before people jump down my throat, I said "some". Happens with my wife all the time too. I can't control it, and if I ever meet a guy who claims he can control it, he's either lying, or I want his autograph.

Simple physical, relatively intimate contact is why. Flesh is stupid. It does not understand context.

Hey hugging always does, no worries! Those are the perks of being a male flower, u don't need to be emotional to get a boner

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Boners are like getting perky nipples, it's involuntary. :/

avila_boy22 12

exactly, your body is so random, like oh its 5:13 and 17 seconds? random boner.

It's now the perfect time for apology sex.

Hey man, women get lady boners for no reason.. Only difference is ours can't be seen or felt through clothing... Your lady needs to think about that

I submitted an FML dead on to this yesterday morning. Coincidence...?

if a guy did that with me I'd be complimented haha, plus I get randy when I'm sad

Happens to my boyfriend every time I cry. I've gotten used to it by now haha.