Not now, dude

By Anonymous - 25/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Montgomery

Today, I was hugging my girlfriend after she had a really bad day at work, when she burst into tears and started sobbing. For some reason that I'll never understand, it gave me a hard-on. She felt it, and now she thinks I'm a sick bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 185
You deserved it 7 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In all honesty I think it may be the closeness of the hug combined with the psychological reasoning that she really trusts you is what gave you the hard-on

This happened to me once, dicks have a mind of their own


godspeedkills 8

It's okay sobbing chicks give me hard-ons too.

*Down boy. Down. Right now. Not the right time buddy* Dicks sure can be real dicks

DianaFrances411 13

Tell her that you really care about her and it wasn't her tears that turned you on or the fact that she had a bad day and was hurt. Maybe it was because when you saw her crying, you wanted to console her, and in some way the hug turned you on. I don't know, I don't have a dick so I can't really tell. However, Just let her know that you aren't a sick bastard, but really care for her.

As someone who does have a dick I can safely say there doesn't even have to be a reason. I'm sure most guys will agree when I say random boners are a thing and usually very annoying.

that's kind of the only explanation that can be thought of, or else you would've said something like that "I was glad she was opening up to me that it gave me an election."

Honestly, that would've made me happier. Just being able to turn on a guy is nice, if you manage it from being a sobbing wreck then win win win. As long as it's someone you don't mind being turned on...

I like the way you think. That being said, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on...

She is either taking her bad day out on you or she doesn't know anything about men. Sometimes it's more of a force of nature. It may be hard to be a woman but women can never know how hard awkward moments can be.

Apparently quite hard, if the FML is anything to judge by.

ostfaiz 18

Its perfectly normal brother, hope she will understand your kind concern sooner, it happens

there will be no reason for a hard on...

Hopefully, she understands that guys get random hard ons.

Sometimes her being vulnerable and knowing that she trusts you and is comforted by you can make you aroused.