By Kay - 03/02/2011 05:33

Today, I was sitting on the toilet with a really bad and noisy stomach upset. Then I hear a knock on the bathroom door. My boyfriend had decided to make a surprise visit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 810
You deserved it 3 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ok ladies we have to put an end to this, we know you use the bathroom for things other than showering. We have known it our whole lives. So if your boyfriend, husband, ex-hasband, father in-law's second brother or any male walked in on you it is ok just finish what you started. So please no more FMLs about getting caught using the bathroom.

None taken. I have my iPhone on me constantly, so I like to check in while waiting for elevators, between patients, etc. It makes the time go by faster, and I get to vent some frustration at the same time. Either that or I'm faking this whole doctor thing, and I'm actually a 24 year old dude living in my parents' basement with nothing better to do.


OP, That is a shitty situation ! Its ok life is full of crappy moments like these. #2 I hope this doesn't make you feel like shit.

Ok ladies we have to put an end to this, we know you use the bathroom for things other than showering. We have known it our whole lives. So if your boyfriend, husband, ex-hasband, father in-law's second brother or any male walked in on you it is ok just finish what you started. So please no more FMLs about getting caught using the bathroom.

Nobody wants to hear that shit. We get it; you poop. Congratulations.

VertigoSD 0
xrawritsashleyx 11

its pretty much only an FML cuz as much as everybody poops... its embarrasing to most girls. my ex always pooped when i was around. at my house and his. and he announced it. i never pooped at his house and when i had to i never announced it. its just slightly embarrassing for us girls. we dont know why. especially if its a new relationship.

hahah for reals shit, drop the kids off and tidy up cause as long as you ain't doing anything un natural get your ass out the toilet and open the door

DigitalKnight 0

Absolutely. So you pooped and may be he came to know or he heard. So what?

Recommended reading: "Everybody Poops." While it may not be the screaming ***** like you have, it still occurs. My advice? Shit as loud as you can. The toilet provides excellent harmonics for your butt trumpet. Make us proud.

Bodily functions are quite medical in nature. Heh. Nature. See what I did there?

MaiDeath 0