Not funny, son

By Embarassed - 15/03/2011 19:29 - United States

Today, while at a school anti-drugs assembly, the speaker asked everyone to stand up if they knew someone who had died of an overdose. As I stood up, my friend hit me in the side, making me laugh. I stood frozen under accusing glares while the speaker bitched me out for a good 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 435
You deserved it 12 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a bit of a fail there, also your friend's an ass.

I think your friend is the one who overdosed


Should've told them what happened, and if they didn't believe you, bitch slap 'em.

That really sucks, but you should defend yourself. I would.

sry for ur loss. all of u people hu r saying he needs to stop breathing and shit?? because he lost a friend?? wow. just wow.

Edit: the comment I was referring to vanished. Nothing to see here.

testthecoal 5

Should have sawed it off and stuff it in his cavity.

Picking_Kuppies 0

My teacher announced how a girl in my class had got hit by a train because she was walking on the tracks; and I laughed. Everybody was quiet, I was the only one laughing (or making any noise, for that matter). After about 8 seconds of awkward silence, she was like: "So, TODAY, WE'RE GOING TO BE WORKING ON..." It was funny. Seriously.

Picking_Kuppies 0

Oh, and the girl is fine. She was walking on the tracks, but there were more tracks right next to them. There had been a train that came by on the tracks next to her a while before, so [when she heard the train that was about to hit her coming] she assumed it was on the other tracks. She had her hood up and was listening her iPod, yet, somehow, she didn't think to check. This was months ago.

Picking_Kuppies 0

My friends always come up to me and randomly jab spots on my sides, it makes me either freak out or burst out laughing, that's probably what OP meant.

KourtneyRay 2

I would have too...if I was still in kindergarten.

haha lol that happens to me too! I'll just start laughing or someone will make me laugh when it's is super quiet or it is supposed to be a serious moment.. :D

jrsgreenfire257 0

Tell ur friend to go Fuc* off ^_^

maggie03 0